Types and Purpose of Site Investigation Boreholes

Site investigation boreholes in the UK are commonly drilled as part of geological and environmental assessments for construction projects, infrastructure development, and environmental monitoring. These boreholes play a crucial role in understanding subsurface conditions, assessing soil and rock properties, and identifying potential environmental risks. Here's an overview of the key aspects:

Purpose: Boreholes are drilled to gather information about the composition, structure, and properties of the subsurface. This information is vital for foundation design, groundwater assessment, contamination studies, and other geotechnical and environmental investigations.

Regulations and Standards: Borehole drilling in the UK is subject to regulations and standards. The British Standards (BS) and guidelines from regulatory bodies such as the Environment Agency often dictate the methods, equipment, and reporting requirements for site investigations.

Methods: Various drilling methods may be employed, including rotary drilling, cable tool drilling, and auger drilling, depending on the site conditions and the information needed. Samples are collected at different depths for laboratory analysis.

Geological Logging: Geologists typically log the recovered core samples or cuttings to identify changes in lithology, structure, and the presence of any contaminants.

Environmental Sampling: Boreholes are often used to collect soil and groundwater samples for environmental assessments. This is crucial for identifying potential contamination and assessing the risk to human health and the environment.

Groundwater Monitoring Wells: Boreholes may also be converted into monitoring wells to assess groundwater levels and quality over time.

Reporting: The findings from borehole investigations are compiled into detailed reports. These reports include geological and geotechnical descriptions, laboratory test results, and recommendations for engineering and environmental considerations.

Site Characterization: The data obtained from boreholes contribute to a comprehensive site characterization, aiding in the design and construction of structures that are safe and environmentally sustainable.


Overall, site investigation boreholes are a fundamental component of the pre-construction phase in the UK, providing critical information for engineers, geologists, and environmental specialists to make informed decisions about the feasibility and safety of development projects.  If you require boreholes on your site contact us on 01280 816409 or send an email

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